EXBO Event Software

EXBO is a South African company providing software solutions to event organizers. Our focus is on academic conferences, with our flagship product being EXBO Abstracts, a system for handling online submission and review of academic abstracts.
EXBO Event Software
EXBO Event Software1 year ago
A happy new client who looks like he'll become a regular - just the way we like it.
#ecobadges #noplasticpouch #greenevents
EXBO Event Software
EXBO Event Software1 year ago
Ringing the bell to welcome aboard a new customer: ATPI
They are using our eco-badges for an upcoming event in Cape Town.
#noplastic #greenevents
EXBO Event Software
EXBO Event Software1 year ago
Talk to us about academic conference systems. We love that stuff!
EXBO Event Software
EXBO Event Software1 year ago
It's been a great year for EXBO, thanks to our wonderful clients. ❤️
We will be taking a break to recharge.